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Scott, Donald Lee

Rank and Name, First Lieutenant Donald Lee Scott.

Unit/Placed in, 90th Bomber Squadron, 3rd Bomber Group, Light.


Donald is born approx. on 1920 in California.

Father, Alfred A. Scott.

Mother, Leona E. Scott.

Parents born in Canada.

Sister(s), Hazel E. and Mary W. Scott.

Brother(s), Elmer H. Scott.


Donald enlisted the service in California with service number # 0-732586.


Donald‘s Crew-members and their position on-board the plane a B-25  were,

1st Lt.           Roy J. Leere            Pilot

2nd Lt.          Donald L. Scott        Co Pilot

Pfc.              Clifford O. Gevier     Radio Operator

S/Sgt.           Bennie Estap           Gunner

Donald was KIA no record, on a Night strike Mission to New Guinea Harbor, after Take Off nothing heard off them on 22 May, 1943, he is honored with a Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Army Presidential Unit Citation, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, WW II Victory Medal.


Donald is buried/mentioned at Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Manila, Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines.

Walls of the missing.


Thanks to, https://www.ozatwar.com/3lbg.htm

Jean Louis Vijgen, ww2-Pacific.com and Europe 1940-1945 on Facebook.

Air Force Info, Rolland Swank.

ABMC Website, https://abmc.gov

Marines Info, https://missingmarines.com/    Geoffrey Roecker

Seabees History Bob Smith  https://seabeehf.org/

Navy Info, http://navylog.navymemorial.org

POW Info, http://www.mansell.com    Dwight Rider and Wes injerd.

Philippine Info, http://www.philippine-scouts.org/ Robert Capistrano

National Historian

Navy Seal Memorial,  http://www.navysealmemorials.com

Family Info, https://www.familysearch.org

Info, https://www.pacificwrecks.com/

Medals Info, https://www.honorstates.org


Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com

Tank Destroyers, http://www.bensavelkoul.nl/

90th Bomber Squadron
3rd Bomber Group
North American B-25 Mitchell
Horanda Airfield, Dobodura
Officers Club
His rank First Lieutenant
Gary Cooper Visit